When you exhibit at a trade show, you put out a lot of time, effort and money, so it’s important to maximize that investment. Regardless of whether you have a generous trade show budget or a lean one, unconventional tactics also known as guerilla marketing, are a terrific way to extend your reach, be foremost in the minds of attendees and create attention that lasts long after the show. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does have to be clever, creative and memorable.
To help you get started, Exhibitor’s Service Network is providing information in two parts. This blog will cover how to begin the process and pre-show ideas. Check back for the second part which will cover during show and post-show follow up suggestions.
Getting Started – Research & Planning
Tactical marketing always begins with strategy. Don’t skip this important step.
To start your strategy, search magazines or sites such as Exhibit Magazine, Entrepreneur, Inc. or Forbes. They’ll have strategies or guidelines to go by, and sometimes lists of unconventional tactics or good examples of ideas that worked for other brands.
Get buy in from your marketing team and sales teams. Engage your teams in an afternoon of off-the-wall brainstorming. Brainstorm a theme that is visually memorable and can extend easily through emails, tweets, press releases and other pre-event tactics. Look to turn things on their heads. Are you exhibiting in a show in Washington State in January? Why not present a luau or surfer theme? Flying your team overseas? Bring a touch of your home state to the booth’s theme. Your tactical strategy should reflect your messages and surprise and delight your audience. Look to be smart, non-offensive, witty, but safe. This goes without saying, but you should always check with show management so you don’t fall afoul of the rules.
Guerrilla marketing at trade shows can be a surprise event or activity or promotion, or can be built over time. It certainly helps to be cognizant of your timing—competing with a keynote speaker isn’t going to get you much attention. That said, you can build a mystery or game for your audience, and create buzz before the event if you choose to.
Think of what would surprise you and make you feel that you’d exchanged a bit of your time for something worthwhile. Get people to laugh or smile and engage with you.
Pre-Show Steps
- Use Humor! Do something that surprises people and breaks expectations. Take a postcard page like one of these from Despair.com and put a funny twist on the old ‘stop by and see us’ message.
- Pique people’s curiosities by giving hints, but not the answer to what is coming. Mail out half of something small or a key. What does the key open? What does the other half offer? They will find the answer when they come by your booth!
- Are you rolling out a new product? Send out an invitation to a “by invitation only” event at the show. Be sure and check key note speaker schedules to ensure your important event is not during this time. Plan on having press at the roll out event.
- Create a mock newspaper page with fun stories relevant to the show, including one highlighting your business, or better yet, some of your targeted clients. Feature the “newspaper” on a show landing page on your website, social media sites or email to your prospective attendees.
- Put your social media channels to work building your story and engaging your audience. When used wisely, Twitter & Facebook can be a way to establish your presence, build your network, make connections, and most importantly – close business.
Our creative team is here to help you with your strategy. Let’s set up a time to brainstorm and assist with making your next show the one that will be talked about before, during and after the show!
As always, Exhibitor’s Service Network is your valued trade show partner. We understand: “It’s more than just an Exhibit, it’s an experience.” ™
Photo credit: https://thornleyfallis.com/dos-donts-of-creativity/